Thursday, September 10, 2009

the job

i love my job. everything about it. i'm probably one of the few people in the world who can say that outloud and mean it. my one sadness is explaining my mother's phone calls to my coworkers. they're so wonderfully protective of me. they know her voice, and almost always "screen" calls for me. i wish i could have my own extension, and she could leave all the crazy voicemails she wants. but we only have one group line. having to explain your mother's illness over and over and over again is just hard.

i just found out i've been promoted to assistant manager. this is huge. this is bigger than huge. this is everything i've worked for in the last three years. and all i can think about is, "lord, i hope they don't tell her what store i transferred to."

this is my chance for another clean break. maybe she won't find out. maybe i won't have to retell the same old sob story to a new crew.


1 comment:

  1. I just found your blog because I was thinking of writing my own and I can't believe that the 3 or 4 posts that you have written i can relate to 100% its if I had written it myself. I never knew there would be someone out there that has and is living such a parallel life, so bizarre. I can still remember the first time I had to explain to the my coworker why my mother was leaving those messages on her machine (I was on my honeymoon and all my calls were transferred to her). Never did I imagine she would have left those messages. Hopefully you are reading this and you can tell me if having a blog has helped you, I am done talking to my husband and friends about my mother and I no longer speak to her family. Good luck to you, I'd love to hear from you and thank you for sharing all your stories. Sylvia
