Sunday, January 9, 2011

a little more optimism.

since new year's, i've been sensing another change in myself. what's the saying, that you reinvent yourself every 7 years? it's probably about that time. my tone and words have been a stale record on repeat for about that long. most likely longer.

i want to think of this as the year of me. 2010 was not my year. it really wasn't any kind of year. it was a hollow, shallow, empty sort of life filled with regrets, despair, depression, and self-imposed loneliness.

it has been years now since my break with my mother. i should really try to forgive myself over parts of it. i should make that effort in an attempt at self-rescue. continuing to punish and hide myself as i have been is simply not working, and more importantly, impressively self-destructive. hiding myself away and playing to the back room is only making me feel more alone, more isolated, and more emotionally stunted than i had ever planned.

this entry feels ridiculously honest.

no. what is really holding me back from breaking free of this mental prison i have made for myself? where i hole up and read my mother's blog for absolution, for forgiveness, for any sign of her regret or indication of help? why do i continue to hold on to the hope that she will make herself well? that this will still end happily? that she will miraculously go to a hospital and come back as some small shadow of herself?

because this is comfortable. this fortress of self-hatred is so, so, very comfortable. if i had to actually work on any of these feelings, i might feel myself shift. or something shift. and who would know what feelings i would uncover then? maybe i'd forgive her. maybe i'd forget her. maybe i'd just move on with my life and stop the self-flagellation.

so i'm making this commitment here. to the people who matter. to the nameless faces of other children of the mentally ill who find something about my story familiar:

i will not read my mother's blog for the next month. at all.
i will not read my mother's blog in the hopes of seeing my name.
i will not search google for some tidings of her whereabouts.
i will throw out any letters i receive.
i will block out any emails i receive.
i will live this next month for myself, with myself, and by myself, without her voice in my head or her memory blinding my rationality.

maybe i'm being harsh, but i think it's warranted. i don't want to continue living my life as i have been. i don't want to continue beating myself up. hating myself. yelling at myself for an illness i can't fix, or a person that i can't save.

i'm breaking free this year. for my own self-worth.

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