Monday, January 6, 2014

crazy dreams.

i woke myself from a terror-inducing nightmare where the highlight was my mother arriving here, and chasing me up and down a street full of shops, and me trying to desperately hide but never feeling safe. i was trying to beat her to my store to warn them that she was coming.

if that isn't a mindfuck to start my day, i don't know what is.


  1. Hi! I'm super glad to have found your blog. . . . First and foremost thank you for sharing. I am an aunt of a beautiful 1 year old who's mom is mentally retarded. ( or disabled ) ... I feel so helpless because no one seems to care about the situation. I'd loved to get an insight point of view from someone who has been in this situation. Thank you once again.
    - Stephanie

    1. i'm not sure what insight i can give you, but i'm glad you feel my blog is helpful... my mother is mentally ill, which is a little different than being mentally disabled. her condition, with medication, is completely treatable. if nothing else, just be there for your niece. us daughters need a lot of love from women around us to make up for mothers that may not necessarily be there in one piece.
