Sunday, January 26, 2014

i should shut my mouth.

every once in a while, i start to find myself telling people in my everyday life about my mother. they ask a simple question, or they are going through a terrible situation, and i just let it out. the entire story.

i was delivering a review to one of my employees, and we were talking about anger control. and i told him about the phone call from the police officer the other week, and how i wanted to actually react, but couldn't because i was at work. and then he was apologizing i went through that, and sorry i didn't have my mom, etc. etc.

i immediately regretted telling him and yelled at myself to shut my damn mouth.

it's hard for people to relate to my story, and telling them always seems to put them in awkward positions. i don't want them to feel compelled to say something that i don't necessarily need or want to hear.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry that you get this reaction sometimes. I've been doing the same thing lately. I think we "motherless daughters" need to feel free to share our story as it can be very freeing to let the skeletons out of the closet. The fact that it is a secret gives it power of us.
    Mostly what I'm finding more and more is that many other people have close family members with mental illness and they actually can be very supportive and empathetic.
